AZ Pain Doctors Blog

Got Cycling Knee Pain? Read These 8 Tips

Written by AZ Pain Doctors | Mar 25, 2021 3:26:00 PM

Do you have cycling knee pain? Are you wondering what you can do for pain management?

Pain in your knees can interfere with your ability to live an active lifestyle. But there are things you can do to stay healthy and get back on your bike, whether it's indoors or out.

Here's what you need to know.

1. Rest

Your knee pain may be new simply because your knee cap isn't used to the forces being exerted on it. With a quarantine, many folks started biking indoors and around the neighborhood for some badly needed exercise. Yet your body will hurt if you aren't giving it the proper time to get used to the movements.

If you just started biking, try to avoid working out for too long at first. Instead, go for a workout every third day and try some different, lower-impact exercises in between to stay fit. 

Let your body tell you if you're overdoing it. Eventually, you'll build up strength and be able to work out for longer stretches of time.

2. Wear the Right Shoes

Working out in regular shoes can decrease your performance ability and increase your risk of injury.

Running shoes also may not be the best option when you're on the bike. While they're certainly more appropriate than street shoes, cycling in running shoes may prevent you from using your maximum strength. It can also lead to imbalances, cramping, or numbness because of their flexible bottom. 

Special biking shoes are designed to affix to the pedal of your bike, and they have a stiff bottom designed to prevent discomfort. If you're looking to minimize pain when you bike, consider purchasing shoes specially designed for the sport.

3. Use Some Ice

Ice can really help with inflammation in all parts of the body. It does so by temporarily decreasing the amount of blood flow, which can reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. You can use ice two to three times for up to one hour. 

4. Apply the Heat

Heat therapy can work on injuries as well by improving your circulation and blood flow. It can also soothe your discomfort and increase muscle flexibility. 

It's important not to use heat directly after an acute injury. Instead, wait about three days, and apply the heat for about ten to fifteen minutes at a time.

Heat in the form of hot packs, baths, and showers work best for injuries. If you're using an electric heating pad, you'll need to avoid using it during times when you could fall asleep.

5. Try a Foam Roller

Foam rollers are easy to find online or at your favorite box store. They use pressure from your body weight in order to relax muscles. Foam rolling can relieve soreness, aid in muscle repair, and increase blood flow.

Use your foam roller two to three times a day for best results. Avoid using too much pressure and make sure your body stays relaxed.

6. Acupuncture

If you've got chronic pain in your knee, acupuncture can bring some much-needed relief. This is particularly true if your pain is caused by osteoarthritis.

Acupuncture has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it may also release endorphins, which are the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals. In your knee, acupuncture can serve to decrease your pain, stiffness, and inflammation. It can also improve your range of motion.

7. Botox Injections

Believe it or not, Botox injections can help you achieve a significant reduction in knee pain. This is particularly true when the cause of your pain is osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that acts as a cushion at the ends of your bones wears out as time goes on. If you are approaching middle age, it could be the cause of your knee pain.

8. Cortisone Injections

Cortisone injections can help treat flare-ups of osteoarthritic pain and swelling in the knee when there is fluid build-up. They help to reduce inflammation at the joint.

Cortisone injections work quickly and provide short-term relief. They are most effective when used two or three times a year.

When to See Your Doctor

Home remedies like ice and heat are effective for occasional pain or flare-ups. Long-term pain in your knees can also be helped by weight loss and exercises that strengthen the muscles around your joints. 

If, however, your pain is persistent, it could be time to see a professional. If, for example, you notice significant swelling and redness, you'll want to call your doctor. It's also important to see a professional if you notice significant pain, fever, or warmth and tenderness around the joint.

It's important to make an appointment with your doctor if these symptoms persist. In some cases, however, you'll need to get to an emergency room or urgent care facility if your doctor doesn't have an appointment available immediately.

If, for example, you hear a popping noise when you're injured, you'll want to get medical attention right away. If your joint appears deformed or you notice intense swelling, you'll need to get to the doctor. An inability to put weight on your knee or swelling that occurs suddenly also indicate a need for immediate attention.

Your doctor will ask you when the pain started and how often it occurs. If you were injured, they'll want to know the details. 

Your doctor will give you a physical exam and administer some imaging tests such as or a CT scan. Based on their diagnosis, they can recommend treatment.

Treating Cycling Knee Pain

Cycling knee pain can keep you from being as active as you'd like to be. However, with the right diagnosis and treatment, you could be back in the saddle in no time.

Don't stop helping your body recuperate now. For more information on treatments for knee pain, contact us today.