AZ Pain Doctors Blog

How to Prevent Common Fishing Injuries

Written by AZ Pain Doctors | Jul 23, 2020 8:42:19 PM

Now that the nice summer weather has arrived, people all over the country are now able to get outside and start participating in their favorite summer activities. But during this pandemic, there are only a few activities or hobbies that someone can still reasonably enjoy while maintaining social distancing. One of the best examples of this is fishing, which often involves someone either fishing by themselves or in a very small group of people.


But just like with any other sport, fishing includes the small possibility of suffering an injury and needing to visit a pain clinic in Phoenix as a result. Therefore, someone is going to need to read this guide in order to know what these common injuries are and more importantly, how they can prevent them to avoid needing pain management in Phoenix.

Slip and Falls

One of the most common reasons why someone might experience an injury while fishing is because they slip and fall. Since fishing is an activity that takes place in water, it is understandable that most nearby surfaces have a good chance of being wet. And anyone who tries to walk around on a wet surface will know how much more difficult this is than moving around on a dry area.


This drastically increases the chances of someone falling down and aggravating their back pain in Phoenix. That is why it is crucial that someone takes an abundance of caution whenever moving around while fishing.


While this potential risk of suffering chronic pain in Phoenix as a result of a slip and fall is very present when fishing from the shoreline, it becomes significantly higher when the individual is in a boat. This is because they will be in the middle of the water, which increases the likelihood of surrounding surfaces being wet and gets combined with the constant slight movements of a boat as it gets rocked by the wind or waves and ripples in the water.


So it is important to always avoid making any drastic or sudden movements while fishing and to also try and maintain three points of contact when moving around on a boat. It is also a good idea to try and wear shoes that have sufficient grip or are actually anti-slip to help maintain traction even on wet floors.

Cuts and Abrasions From Equipment

A lot of the equipment used to go fishing could be potentially dangerous to someone if not used properly. Perhaps one of the biggest examples of this is the fishing hooks, which are sharp enough to be able to catch a large fish. Therefore, if they are not properly handled, they are more than sharp enough to cause a serious cut.


This is the reason why so many experienced fishermen choose to use special pliers when working with hooks rather than trying to use their fingers. That is also why it is always of the utmost importance to make sure that an individual is always fully aware of exactly where their hooks are at all times and are not handling them in a haphazard way that could easily lead to an injury.

Muscle Strains

While fishing is a very relaxing activity, for the most part, there are brief moments every now and then when it becomes quite hectic for a few minutes before returning back to the leisurely pace.


This happens whenever someone happens to get a fish on their hook. Once this occurs, it requires them to grab their fishing rod and yank it upwards in order to get the fish “on the line.” This is followed up with having to quickly try and reel the fish into the boat before it has a chance to escape. During this process, most people will frequently transition between standing upright and bending forward in order to try and get more leverage or try and catch a glimpse of the fish they are reeling in.


This entire section of fishing is going to be particularly dangerous for anyone who happens to suffer from chronic pain in Phoenix. With all of these quick jerking movements and the weight of trying to hold a rod while also reeling in a fighting fish, especially a larger one, it can easily cause them to aggravate existing injuries or develop new ones such as tennis elbow or rotator cuff tendinitis. Individuals suffering from pulled or strained muscles are not unheard of when fishing, which is why it is so important that someone who is more prone to these issues takes the proper steps to try and reduce the chances of it happening.


One of the best ways to do this is to wear a brace or even a lifting belt to help relieve some of the stress being placed on their body during these repetitive motions. They should also try and keep physically active, taking the time to specifically strengthen their shoulders and forearms, which are the areas that can become particularly vulnerable to the frequent movement that the arms go through during the casting process. The stronger that the soft tissues are in this area, the more repetitive motions they will be able to handle without suffering any damage.

Fish Bites or Cuts

Even if someone takes all of the proper steps to help ensure that they remain safe while fishing, there are still going to be the possibility that they become injured when handling the fish itself. This is because there are several kinds of fish that possess fins that are easily sharp enough to cut a person’s skin. Therefore, if they are handled improperly, then there is the chance that the fin could slice open a person’s hand. That is why they should always be aware of where the fish’s fins are located in relation to the individual’s hands.


There are also certain types of fish that will have particularly sharp teeth, which should never be touched by a bare hand. Instead, the person will want to wear a special fish glove when handling them, which is resistant to punctures.