AZ Pain Doctors Blog

Warning Signs That You May Have Nerve Damage

Written by AZ Pain Doctors | May 28, 2021 6:34:00 PM

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There are billions of nerves in your body. It’s the way that messages are sent and received.

When everything is working well, your brain gets in the information that it needs. Your body can move freely, recognize pain and danger, and function properly.

However, approximately 20 million Americans suffer from nerve damage. It can affect almost any part of your body and can be extremely painful. That why it’s important to receive pain management as soon as possible.

Do you think you might have damaged nerves? Keep reading to find out about the early warning signs.

Numbness, Tingling, or Burning 

Numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in your limbs is often called pins-and-needles. It’s normal to feel if you’ve been sitting, lying, or sleeping in a particular position. It happens when a sensory nerve has been compressed.

This feeling should go away quite quickly once you’ve moved. But if it doesn’t, then it may be a sign of nerve damage.

This sensation can be quite gentle, like a prickling or buzzing feeling. Or it can be intense and painful. It may begin in your fingers and toes and can radiate into your arms and legs.

You might also feel like there is a band around your wrists or ankles. It can feel as though you are wearing tight gloves or socks.  

If you have any unusual or uncomfortable sensations in your limbs that do not ease on their own, then it’s important to seek medical advice and pain management. It could be a sign of serious nerve damage.  

Pain Down One Leg 

Do you have constant, sharp pain in your lower back and down the back of your leg? It may feel like burning, tingling, or stabbing. This can be a sign that you have sciatica.

Your sciatic nerve is the largest in your body. It runs from your lower back down to the soles of your feet. You may be experiencing pain if it is compressed or damaged.

Intense Headaches 

Brief, intense headaches are another sign that you may have nerve damage. They can come and go very quickly, and feel like electric shocks in your head.

It’s known as occipital neuralgia. This is when a nerve gets trapped in your neck.

The pain can be quite debilitating and affect daily life. Pain management may include a nerve block. This is an injection that temporarily stops the nerve from sending pain signals to the brain.

Difficult to Move 

Motor nerves control muscle movements. If these nerves are damaged, then it can become increasingly difficult to move.

You may begin by experiencing twitching or spasms in your muscles. This is because, if a motor nerve is damaged, it can stop the muscle from relaxing.

You can also experience sudden and unexplained muscle weakness. This can make the muscle more difficult to move, which can then lead to atrophy. This is because the muscle wastes away when it is not used. This only makes movement more difficult.  

Damaged nerves may also cause pain or discomfort. This is often most extreme in the shoulders, wrists, and hips. You may find yourself moving these areas of your body less, in an attempt to relieve your pain and discomfort. The less you move your body, the more difficult it becomes to move.  

More Clumsy 

If you have found yourself becoming clumsier and more accident-prone than usual, this can be another symptom of nerve damage.

Large nerves that affect sensation and feeling can become damaged. It can become difficult to sense what position your body is in. It also makes it more difficult to coordinate movement. All of this can lead to stumbling and falling.

Your feet and legs can also become numb. This makes it difficult to tell if you are placing them properly, and where you are walking. This can also make you more likely to stumble.

Not Feeling Something You Should

Your body’s sensory nerves send information from an external stimulus to the brain. They tell your brain if something is dangerous.

However, if they’re not working properly, then you could become more accident-prone. This is because you might not be feeling the uncomfortable sensations that you should be.

If you touch a hot surface, your sensory nerves should tell your brain that it is painful. That’s why you quickly pull your hand away. But if your sensory nerves aren’t working, you may leave your hand on the hot surface and suffer burns.

If the sensory nerves in your foot are damaged, then you may not realize that you’re stepping on things. You might begin to notice objects in your shoe or on your foot that you didn’t feel.

Bathroom Problems

Your bladder and bowel send messages to your brain via your nerves. However, if these nerves are damaged, then your brain may receive faulty messages.

You may feel like you need to urinate often, even though you don’t. Or you may have problems recognizing when your bladder is full, so struggle to make it to the bathroom in time.

Constipation is another sign of nerve damage. Your bowel movements can become infrequent and painful.  

It may be embarrassing to talk about bathroom problems, but it’s an important symptom of nerve damage. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, then you should discuss them with a medical professional. 

Pain Management for Nerve Damage 

Your nerves are essential for keeping your body moving, safe, and healthy. Nerve damage can have a huge impact on your daily life and wellbeing. It can also be extremely painful and distressing.

Do you have one or more of these symptoms? Contact us now if you think you have nerve damage. We can help with pain management, and getting your life back to normal.

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